Varney actually stood at the intersection of Williams Blvd.
and Veterans (arguably Kenner’s most trafficked intersection) and counted the
number of pedestrians that were trying to cross the street during lunchtime.
Now that is dedication.
Varney’s count: a
whopping 5 pedestrians.
So, essentially, as part of his 2030 Plan, Mayor Yenni wants to spend Millions of Borrowed
Dollars to improve pedestrian traffic for a handful of people and put a bike
path on Williams Blvd. that runs under I-10.
Now, could Williams Blvd., and Kenner for that matter, use a
facelift? Of course and if the City had the money and Mayor Yenni wasn’t
undertaking the large Debt Plan in Kenner’s history, I would probably be in
favor of his plan.
But, we don't have the money and the reality is, the intersection of Williams Blvd. and
Vets will never be a spot where Kenner residents and visitors park their
vehicles and walk from shopping center to shopping center. In fact, there’s
only 1 small shopping center at that intersection to begin with.
Is crossing the street at Williams and Vets hazardous? Sure.
In my current condition, I couldn’t do it.
But does making an intersection “pedestrian-friendly” when
pedestrians don’t use it and there are no plans to give pedestrians a reason to
use it, worth the expense when the city has so many other pressing needs? I don’t
think so.
And, how many additional accidents will a bike path on
Williams Blvd. cause? The city should be shifting bikers off a main State road
instead of encouraging them.
Varney also talked about Mayor Yenni’s feud with me and
Citizens For a Better Kenner and how Mayor Yenni thinks we’re “crazy” because
we happen to disagree with him. What Mayor anywhere calls the people that he was elected to represent, even those who disagree with him, "crazy"?
Anyway, feel free to read the article and post comments to
it and here.
I asked my mom and she doesn’t think I’m crazy but she’s a
little biased. Oh yeah. If you do think I’m ‘crazy’, please post your name and address so I can hunt you down.
Hopefully, you know that I am kidding.
Unfortunately, Mayor
Yenni wasn’t.